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Groupwise Internet Agent SMTP Relay

Para efectos de enviar correo utilizando el servidor de correo de Groupwise como Relé se debe abrir GWIA/Access Control Tab/SMTP Relay Settings: uilizando el Console One, alli se debe seguir lo siguiente: "Cabe precisar que lo mejor es utilizar Direcciones IP en el From"

Enabling SMTP Relaying
You can enable the Internet Agent to function as a relay host for Internet messages. You can allow relaying for messages received from all Internet hosts, or you can select specific hosts for which you will relay.

In ConsoleOne, right-click the Internet Agent object > click Properties.

Click the Access Control tab > click SMTP Relay Settings.

Under SMTP Relay Defaults, select whether you want to allow or prevent message relaying.
If you prevent message relaying, you can define exceptions that will allow message relaying for specific Internet hosts. This can also be done if you allow message relaying. We suggest that you select the option that enables you to define the fewest exceptions. The Prevent Message Relaying setting corresponds with the Internet Agent's /norouting switch.

To prevent relaying of messages larger than a specific size (regardless of the SMTP Relay Defaults setting), enable the Prevent Messages Larger Than option and specify the size limitation.

To define an exception, click Create to display the New Internet Address dialog box.

Fill in the following fields:
From: Enter the Internet address that must be in the messages From field for the exception to be applied. You can make the address specific (such as or more general by using an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character (such as *
To: Enter the Internet address that must be in the message's To field for the exception to be applied. This is also the address that the message will be relayed to (in the case of an Allow exception). You can make the address specific (such as or more general by using an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character (such as *.com or *).

Click OK to add the exception to the list.

When finished defining exceptions, click OK to save your changes.

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